
Times to the power of 2

This is a strange and interesting place. Just the view from my hotel.

Brett and I went for a walk trying to get our hair cut, but no one knew where a barber shop was located let alone know that they would be closed on a Sunday afternoon.

There is so much happening in a condensed space. Waiting in line to get discount tickets, waiting in line to get into the late show. Waiting in line to eat at carnegie deli.

Brett and I ate at the Carnegie deli. Even though it's $13 a sandwhich, totally worth it. This was on our dime and not the boss's Plus you get to know your neighbors. Mitch Hedberg was right, I would like a loaf of bread and some other people.

They also wear pants in NYC.

On the search for a barber we passed the late show.

Lights and more lights.

I don't know if this is really "the best musical"...

I would put this one up for the best musical with Cauliflower ears.

Like a boss!

This place is pretty sweet.

Times Square had these tables and chairs for couples to get romantic.  Brett opted for the glove!

My serious pose...how much money does it cost to light this place up?!?


I may or may not have control of my phone at this point.  Either way don't judge me.

Bye-bye booty.  Do some squats!

This was the new American Eagle store that was moving into Times Square. 

Good Night tourists, said the other tourist.

Once we got back to our hotel, there was our chariot waiting for us.  I should have told them they were a night early.

-Remix the remix


New York F-ing City

While many hunters are making their way to the sacred grounds, I'm on my way to a conference in New York City.

Morning is just breaking above the clouds.

Always nice to have a little sun on your face.

I like to imagine that I'm headed to a rendezvous with Lando.

I'm looking forward to a bagel, the statue of liberty and being obnoxious for no reason. Oh yeah and bodegas.

Approaching laguardia airport is crazy this is how close you are to the city.

This would be worse than living in Elwood's apartment.

See you in Times Square.

-Remix the remix


Work it out

Get strong son!! Big Black yells to Rob. I remember the days that I enjoyed the shows on MTV after they stopped playing videos.

Today mom woke up early and I took a run with Bram to the gym. He dug it with his little cap and blanket in the BOB.

We worked out so hard we were a blur to the naked eye!

Other than that we were cold straight lounging.

Enjoy your time.

-Remix the remix


Global bidness

On a serios side of kitten mittens. We had a townhall meeting where I work. The deal is our CEO comes in and talks about our segments and how we are doing. He discusses growth, organic vs. inorganic, and usually I would fall asleep but I thoroughly enjoyed listening to upper-management talk.

Maybe for the fact that we are doing well, I am proud to work where I do. I, had something to do with the organic growth. I, had a piece of the action that assisted with the inorganic growth.

Anyway hope your day was positive and that you added to society or the growth of something.

Thought for the day:
-there are 3 kinds of people in this world
those who are good at math
and those who are not

-Remix the remix

To wig out

To Steve,
My wigs
From The Business

You have the business man or Harey Carey

Mad scientist or old rocker

Surfer dude or Barney Rubble

Monica Lewisnski or Betty Rubble

Cross dresser or 80's hair metal

Good Night Detroit!!!!!!!!

-Remix the remix


Bedtime for Bonzo

The doctors suggest routine for a healthy baby. Which means that you put them down when they're not asleep and hope that they can soothe themselves. We are on day 3 of Brams nightly routine.

We start with a bath.

Less balls this time.

Then we dry him off.

Put him in his PJs, and get him ready for a bottle.

-Remix the remix

Another morning with dad

After a fresh diaper and forgetting that the boy might have one left in the chamber (read: got peed on). We enjoyed a nice little bottle and the sunrise this morning.

Looking East to the stadium from my livingroom.

Bram loves his elephants especially in the morning.

 I'm always curious as to what the topic of conversation between an elephant and a 2 1/2 month old could consist of?

His mother is working out this morning so I'm in charge of dressing him so we'll see how I did.

Ok this time with pants, even though we all know how I feel about pants.

Enjoy the day and ask yourself, "Are you better than yesterday"

-Remix the remix


Biking to work

This morning it was 40 degrees outside. I had to drop the car at the mechanic to get the left front control arm and the right front wheel bearing replaced.

Without a car how's a cool guy supposed to get to work?

A slick ride of course.

Oh yeah check out that stash!!!!

-Remix the remix